Showing posts with label concept. Show all posts
Showing posts with label concept. Show all posts

Sunday 15 November 2015

Hand Draw - illustrations from storyboard and animation

Preparing animation.
The first steps to build the animation. Preparation of drawings is a concept that is growing to achieve satisfactory results.

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Tuesday 3 November 2015

Logo - hand draw concepts

Preparing logo - made drawings form the basis for the logo. It is usually the first step of preparing a trademark (brand).

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Saturday 31 October 2015

Drawings for the purpose of the storyboard

Nie wszystko musi Ciebie przerastać
(Not everything needs you outgrow)

Pracujemy nie siedzimy
(We work does not sit)

Tylko najlepsi się liczą (Only the best count)

Staranność jest kluczem do sukcesu
(Diligence is the key to success)

Biegnij po swój sukces (Run for your success)

Rozwiń i zaplanuj (Expand and plan)

Monday 19 October 2015

Cudowne Randki (Lovely Dating) - logotype - corporate identity

Graphic design the logo for the website "Lovely dating". The final project was a compilation of several presented here for ideas (concepts).

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